The Crusades - Crescent and the Cross

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[edit] General Information

History, Sociopolitical Documentary published by History Channel in 2005 - English, Spanish Multilanguage narration

also known as

[edit] Cover

Image: Las-Cruzadas-La-Cruz-y-la-Media-Luna-Cover.jpg

[edit] Information

The Christian invaders were regarded as infidels. The Arabs were scorned as lawless pagans. The Westerners saw their quest as literally a sanctified crusade, while the Muslims launched their own holy war, called a jihad, in retaliation. Sound familiar? It should, because although the events depicted in the History Channel's The Crusades - Crescent & The Cross took place nearly a thousand years ago, they are but a distant mirror to what's going on in the Middle East right now.

This two-part, three-hour program, released on two discs impressively details all three Crusades, starting in the late 11th Century, when Pope Urban II dispatched a huge force to reclaim Jerusalem, which had been under Muslim control for some 400 years. For the knights and others who made the journey, it was a noble spiritual quest, not to mention an escape from Europe's petty wars and famines; in the end, the fact that many of them were greedy butchers who murdered Muslims, Jews, and even other Christians indiscriminately (sometimes even eating the flesh of the vanquished) detracted not at all from their conviction that they were acting in the name of God.

Of course, so were the Muslims, who, after the bloody first crusade succeeded in seizing the holy city, mounted a massive counterattack under leaders like Nur al-din and his son Saladin, who managed to take back Jerusalem (from whence Mohammed was said to have ascended to heaven) and hold on to it through the failed second and third crusades, the latter led by England's Richard the Lionheart.

All of this is presented by way of techniques that will be recognizable to History Channel buffs. They include modern-day historians, who re-trace the routes of the crusaders and examine the ancient sites where the action took place, as well as actors who portray characters of the time (chroniclers, knights, and others); numerous re-enactments, aided by excellent cinematography and skillful use of CGI (whereby a few dozen extras could be made to look like many thousands), vividly illustrate the battles and other events that took place during this roughly 200-year period. Add to that a bonus documentary about the Knights Templar (the soldier-monks in charge of protecting the Kingdom of Jerusalem) and a decent "making of" documentary, and you have an absorbing, enlightening look at events that prove one thing above all: the more things change, the more they stay the same. --Editorial review by Sam Graham

Sinopsis en Español :

Durante los siglos XI y XII dos superpotencias se enfrentaron en una serie de batallas por el dominio de Tierra Santa y su más preciado tesoro, Jerusalén. El enfrentamiento entre cristianos y musulmanes determinaría el futuro de Oriente Medio.

Para revitalizar a la Iglesia Católica el Papa Urbano II prometió la absolución de todo pecado y la salvación eterna a quienes tomasen las armas y fuesen a luchar por la conquista de Jerusalén. En el año 1095 los Cruzados tomaron la Ciudad Santa, pero los musulmanes se unieron para reconquistar sus tierras a los cristianos. En 1144 y 1189 dos nuevas Cruzadas trataron de imponerse a la supremacía musulmana, pero tras la reconquista musulmana de Jerusalén en 1187 y la renuncia de Ricardo Corazón de León a proseguir la batalla pusieron fin a dos siglos de enfrentamientos armados.

La combinación de imagen real, escenas dramatizadas y gráficos generados por ordenador reviven Las Cruzadas, sus protagonistas y escenarios históricos para ofrecer una nueva y reveladora visión de un enfrentamiento en nombre de la religión que no ha perdido vigencia.

[edit] Screenshots

Image: CruzadasCruz_screen1.jpg Image: CruzadasCruz_screen2.jpg Image: CruzadasCruz_screen3.jpg Image: CruzadasCruz_screen4.jpg Image: CruzadasCruz_screen5.jpg Image: CruzadasCruz_screen6.jpg

[edit] Technical Specs

  • File Name ........... :
  • Total Size (MB) ... : 1170.77 MB
  • Duration .............. : 01:29:42
  • Video Codec ....... : XviD MPEG-4 codec
  • Resolution .......... : 640 x 352
  • Aspect Ratio ....... : 1.81:1
  • Video Bitrate ...... : 1440 KB/s
  • Framerate .......... : 25 FPS
  • Quality Factor ..... : 0.255 B/px
  • Audio Codec ....... : MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)
  • Audio Bitrate ...... : 192 KB/s
  • Channels ............ : 2 Ch
  • Sampling Rate .... : 48000 Hz

  • File Name ........... :
  • Total Size (MB) ... : 1246.26 MB
  • Duration .............. : 01:31:04
  • Video Codec ....... : XviD MPEG-4 codec
  • Resolution .......... : 640 x 352
  • Aspect Ratio ....... : 1.81:1
  • Video Bitrate ...... : 1529 KB/s
  • Framerate .......... : 25 FPS
  • Quality Factor ..... : 0.271 B/px
  • Audio Codec ....... : MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)
  • Audio Bitrate ...... : 192 KB/s
  • Channels ............ : 2 Ch
  • Sampling Rate .... : 48000 Hz

  • Ripped by ........... : Marc27 for forums release
  • Language : Dual Audio rip, Spanish on track 1, English on track 2.

[edit] Links

[edit] Release Post

[edit] Official Website

[edit] Related Documentaries

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Added by L0thar