Ross Kemp: Extreme World Series 4

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[edit] General Information

Sociopolitical Documentary hosted by Ross Kemp, published by BSkyB in 2015 - English narration

[edit] Cover

Image: Extreme-World-Series-4-Cover.jpg

[edit] Information

Ross Kemp: Extreme World Series 4 BAFTA-winning documentary maker Ross Kemp and his Extreme World team are back, gaining unparalleled access to the people and places caught up in some of the most important global issues of our time. You can’t say that Ross Kemp likes an easy life: the former EastEnders star has carved himself out a niche as a reporter willing to embed himself in some of the world’s most trouble-scarred spots. For his latest series, he’ll be meeting criminal biker gangs in Australia, Iraqi and Syrian immigrants in Calais, and exploring South Africa’s appalling rape epidemic.

[edit] Ukraine

First, though, it’s a not-so-jolly jaunt to Ukraine, to meet some of the ultra-right nationalist militias defending the unstable nation’s borders. Unpalatable views and uncontrolled testosterone are on display as Kemp spends time with football hooligans now fighting pro-Russian separatists, and meets the notorious Azov battalion and other groups near the front line.

[edit] South Africa

Ross Kemp heads to South Africa, 20 years after apartheid was lifted; only to discover that a new set of problems exist, such as a widening gap between rich and poor. However, as he enters the deprived township of Diepsloot on the outskirts of Johannesburg, he discovers an even bigger crisis. Rape has reached epidemic proportions in the country, with statistics showing one in two women born in South Africa will be attacked in their lifetime. Meeting victims and perpetrators, he asks how attitudes to women can change, and what the government can do to curb this abhorrent crime.

[edit] Honduras

Ross Kemp visits the Central American republic of Honduras, where he makes his way to the city of San Pedro Sula. With a rate of 169 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants last year - an average of more than three people each day - Sula has the dubious distinction of being the most dangerous city on the planet outside of a war zone. Ross discovers how armed drug gangs have taken over many parts of the country, forcing thousands to flee north on a freight train that transports migrants through Guatemala and across Mexico into the United States. But it's an arduous journey and not for the faint-hearted. Even if passengers avoid falling off the roof of the train to their deaths, they face being robbed by bandits, raped, murdered or kidnapped and sold into slavery.

[edit] Calais

Ross travels to Calais, where there are thought to be more than 3,000 migrants living in squalor, all with the same goal - to reach the shores of the UK and claim asylum from the politically corrupt and, in some cases, violent countries from which they have fled. Some fail to make the 21-mile trip across the English Channel, some die or suffer injuries, and others are arrested. But as Ross learns, most come back another day to try their luck again.

[edit] Memphis

Ross travels to Memphis, Tennessee, one of the most racially segregated cities in the US, to find out why such a divide still exists in today's society. He speaks to gang members, former convicts, community leaders and government officials in his search for answers.

[edit] Aussie Bikers

The actor rides along with some of Australia's notorious motorcycle clubs. Major players in the country's drug trade, the battle for control has led to bombings, multiple murders and more than a thousand shootings - leading 26 clubs to be classified as criminal organisations in 2013. Although the bikers traditionally operate a no-media rule, Ross and his team negotiate access into their secretive world.

[edit] Britains Deprived Coast

Ross stays close to home for the final film, investigating how British seaside towns have been affected by the boom in cheap foreign holidays. Once celebrated, coastal resorts are now in the grip of once unimaginable levels of social decline. Many have become unemployment black spots, while former hotels and guest houses are being used to home the country's most vulnerable residents. Ross visits the worst affected areas to investigate the realities behind their tragic decline, and to find out what can be done to revive their fortunes.

[edit] Screenshots

[edit] Technical Specs

  • Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4.1
  • Video Bitrate: 3160 Kbps
  • Video Aspect Ratio: 1.778 (16:9)
  • Video Resolution: 1280 x 720
  • Audio Codec: AAC LC
  • Audio English
  • Audio Bitrate: 160 kb/s VBR 48 KHz
  • Audio Channels: Stereo 2
  • Run-Time: 45mins
  • Framerate: 25 fps
  • Number of Parts: 7
  • Container Mp4
  • Part Size: 1,003 MB
  • Source: HDTV
  • Encoded by: Harry65

[edit] Links

[edit] Further Information

[edit] Release Post

[edit] Related Documentaries

[edit] ed2k Links

Added by Harry65