Category:Michael Wood

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Michael Wood (born Michael David Wood, July 23 1948 in Manchester) is a popular English historian and broadcaster, presenter of numerous television documentary series.

He was educated at Manchester Grammar School and at Oriel College, Oxford. His special interest was Anglo-Saxon history, and this was the field in which he first made his name, coming to the screen in In Search of the Dark Ages, a BBC2 series in which he explored the lives of individual leaders of the period, including Athelstan, King Arthur and Eric Bloodaxe. Wood quickly became popular with many viewers for his blond good looks (he was humorously dubbed "the thinking woman's crumpet" by British newspapers), deep voice, and habit of wearing tight jeans and a sheepskin jacket. However, he draws his audience from all walks of life because of his ability to present history in striking and memorable ways. To date, he has over sixty documentary films to his name.

Wood's work is also well known in the United States, where it receives much airplay on PBS and on various cable television networks. The series Legacy (1992) is one of his more frequently broadcast documentaries on U.S. television.